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Two months after breaking my shoulder

 blue poppies in the rain photographed a few months ago

It hasn't been a bundle of laughs these last couple of months and it doesn't seem that I will be back properly till February.  I'll never be a shot putter, tennis professional or fast bowler now. 

Life has certainly moved slowly as my bones have started healing and the house is dirtier the garden weedier and not a lot I could do about it. This week I was x-rayed and I could hardly see the difference from 4 weeks ago but the nice young doctor assured me that new bone is growingbut these sort of breaks take a long time.

I had dressed with a t shirt under my top so I could take it off and show the doctor the amount of bruising that is still present on my arm.  Alistair didn't know this or what I wanted to do, so when the young doctor came into the cubicle and I started removing my top, Alistair was like " What are you doing"  Not quite sure what he thought I was going to do - or maybe he thought that I had lost my mind due to the amount of painkillers i've consumed over these last 8 weeks.  Anyway I thought it was amusing.

Here are a few pics I took before the fall. I have just tried to lift my camera and take some photographs but can't quite lift my arm high enough yet and Alistair will most probably shout at me when he reads this for trying BUT there where 3 red admiral butterflies just outside my window.  soon, soon I hope.

Dancing poppy