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Dancing Erythroniums

Walking around the garden each day brings new delights, well except for the weeds and their speedy growth. We nearly managed to mulch most the beds and we are wondering if it is too late now to finish them, but I guess it will still help to slow the weeds' progress, in a maybe/ hopefully/ fingers crossed sort of way.

The Erythroniums caught my eye as they danced in the sunlight alongside the stream. Rain has helped water in my latest plantings and also flush the ponds with fresh water from the brooks.  I had just ordered something to help clear the ponds as they had formed lots of little blobs of slime and I'm not sure what causes them, but it looks pretty disgusting. I've tried skimming off as much as I could but now with the brooks flowing faster the natural movement of the water seems to be flushing the slime over the overflow and away down the brook. I will take some pics later.