Skunk Cabbage
Not the most romantic name, but it is a plant with impact. There was no sign of them a couple of weeks ago but now they are romping away; they grow quickly in our well and truly damp/wet/soaking garden as does the Gunneria by the pond. The streams meander through the woods and garden, leaving the ground rather sponge like. and this year the ground is taking quite a while to dry out. Alistair was only able to get the lawnmower through the woods and onto the lawns this week for the first time, and that was with the help of some bark mulching being placed in some areas. The lawns are looking a bit patchy after moles have had their fun and leaves that we just didn't get around to moving. It's bumpy and squashy in equal measures and our large Maremmas Lucca and Kiki really haven't helped matters by romping and chasing each other around the garden. They are pictured below after tiring themselves out!