Art & Photography

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The rain keeps coming

Pied Wagtail

The rain started and seems to have hardly stopped, we have just walked through the woods with the dogs and although lovely, you can't help but wonder how the birds are coping.. I saw on Springwatch that owls have trouble feeding in the rain and that can mean that the baby owls don't get the food they need - all was quiet when we walked past our owl box where I have heard them, I hope they are ok.

The pied wagtail has been sitting in the rain and didn't seem to want to find shelter as I'm not an expert on birds ( or anything else in fact ) I'm not sure what their habits are.  I've most probably read about them in the past but my memory is so bad that it has now disappeared into the ether along with lots of other information.  I am presently working through the many flower photographs I have and trying to name all of them correctly, which is taking quite awhile but will be useful for my records.  I would like to draw a plan of the garden and woods showing the lay of the land and different areas we have here, it is something I would like to paintin watercolours so people can get a real feel for the place and imagine it better, but to get it to scale is the daunting part at the moment.

The hosta bank is looking stunning and not too much evidence of snail damage as yet, so maybe the nemetodes I watered on them have worked.  Kiki still has to jump in the pond for a closer look though even in the rain. Scared the life out of a duck.