A couple of months ago, we found a duck with some eggs on a little island on our top pond, we kept an eye on it but nothing emerged and when Alistair had a look, there were no eggs or shells. We were really sad that there were no ducklings and that something could have ate the eggs. Then several weeks ago when we were working by the lower pond, a female ducksuddenly took off from the grass and plants along the edge of the water. We had a look and found six eggs. Hooray we thought but then we realised that now it was on the edge of the pond and not on an island thatBoudicca out psycho cat, whose life is hanging by a thread at present ( one more killing and she has to go) would be able to reach the eggs and baby ducklings if they did eventually hatch.
I thought of a way to protect the nest and we made a barrier around the outside with canes stuck into the waters edge and then chicken wire attached so as to form a barrier on the land side and pegged into the ground so said cat couldn't get under it but leaving it open on the water side.
You can just see the chicken wire on the right hand side of the photo
The picture of them isn't great as I had my 180mm macro lens on my camera as I was out shooting plants but after some cropping you can see them quite clearly. I had been very quiet approaching the pond as I was hoping to get a pic of the moor hens, so this was such a pleasant surprise. There was no sign of mum and I did rush back to the studio to attach a telephoto lens but they were no longer anywhere to be seen when I arrived back. They must have raced back to their nest when I left. Tomorrow I will take a picnic rug up there and keep very still and see if I can get some more shots of them. How cute are they!!!