“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t want”
Thank you to Sebastian Michaels from PhotoshopArtistry.com who is an amazing teacher
The Monarda's are blooming
and the more Hydrangas I can have in the house the better
The Patio is finished and the lawn is at last growing - Boudicca has to go ..... Tears in my eyes this morning when I found that she had killed the remaining Pied Wagtail parent and their orphan chick is sat in the nest waiting for food. I cannot bear to have her around any longer so I have got in touch with the rescue centre we had her from to see if they can find her a home. Achilles never kills anything. I feel heavy hearted today over it.
The title of this blog 'Clear the decks' could relate to Boudicca but its to do with a 21 days to Creating Abundance, I have started - relating to my photography and art. Todays and tomorrows actions are about clearing the decks and simplifying everything, starting with actual desktop then computer desktop and then onto files on my computer. My whole work area and life actually needs simplifying - why use more 'stuff' than needed. So that is what I am about for a couple of days and already I have an empty computer desktop and I like it, 'no' I love it. The picture above has my metal pig with wings, I saw it at a flea market a few years ago and I think it cost me ten pounds, it has turned out to be one of my favourite possessions and I continue to follow the impetus it gives me in wanting to fly, all be it only creatively. I will let you know how my life and art changes after these 21 days.
Another project that is in the offing is the creating of a new veg garden in a space that is overgrown and has not been used for veg and fruit growing for a long time. We have lived here a year now and it is time to get growing some nice organic food. The hazel bean support will stay and I will hopefully be able to use hazel and willow from the woods to make other structures in this area. We have made a start by buying a gate the other day and once that is installed I can get in and start clearing the ground and making a path through to the back of the veg garden to where I plan to put a potting shed for all my gardening paraphernalia. The picture below shows how it looks at present. I've just spied another pied wagtail outside my studio window , maybe there is hope.