The sun is shining and I have been able to do a lot more photography of late. Broken shoulder is more manoeuvrable and left arm is at its worst at night and early morning. Gosh I'm sick of talking/writing about my ailments, hopefully I'll be able to get on with my life soon, and I intend not to waste any time or energy on things that aren't important. As a lot of people struggle with health issues and mine really are insignificant on the grander scheme of things, it has made me not to want to waste any of the time I have left on this planet.
After having several terribly painful stomach attacks I go into hospital next Monday to have my gallbladder removed. I was thinking of asking the surgeon My Loy whether I could have the gallstones so I might use them in a piece of mixed media work but they most probably would gradually disintegrate, anyway I still might ask - could be a talking point if the piece is displayed on the wall. Had my pre-op checks this morning which involves having swabs from various places taken to test for MRSA, nostrils, armpits and groin. At least I had a female nurse, I wondered how the gentleman who travelled in the lift with me for his got on. At least he was wearing pink shorts which should have led to easy accessibility.
We have sprung a leak in our lower pond and fear it could be something to do with my over vigorous weeding of the water iris around the edge. It looks like I might have loosened the clay and the only product I can find called 'Dam Seal' is available in Australia. They are looking for a uk distributer, and after watching youtube videos on it being used, we need this product here. I'd be tempted myself its such a good product. Can't find anything like it in the uk so have plumped for pond liner which Alistair is going to pin down with ' something'
Looks like I will be out of action for a couple of weeks so I need to get as much gardening done before the op. Also planning a body-builder shoot - could move me entirely away from shooting flowers, who knows!!
Kiki enjoying a early evening dip
Candelabra primula's in the late afternoon sun