We completed on our new house purchase on June 11th on the island of Alderney. Stressful doesn’t cover it, getting the logistics right for this move, mainly due to one cat and two large dogs.
We had to charter a plane from Bournemouth and make two trips due to the weight of the dogs or so they said, maybe they were trying to tell us that it was time for a diet. I flew first with hand luggage and Achilles the cat and then the pilot returned to Bournemouth to collect my husband and Lucca and Kiki. Behaviour was impeccable, no sickness or fretting and the dogs behaved as well. Boom Boom
We have downsized quite a lot, but even though we got rid of so much stuff the amount of boxes filled our new home to overflowing and I am still trying to sort art supplies, photographic equipment and computer paraphernalia into some sort of order or even just find a place for them
Walks by the sea are thrilling and food on the island is lovely. My work will be changing soon and this website will be reflecting the change A new home, new energy and sleep at last - the safety of the island has given me my sleep back, which is what I was hoping for.
Cormorants on the rocks
Alistair in his Alderney shirt