Of course as soon as you plan to build a patio ( or buy sunbeds) the rain just doesn't stop. Digger was booked last week but it was just to wet for it, so today we are having another go, when I say 'we' I mean Alistair. The digger was supposed to be delivered on Saturday but has been sitting at somebody else's house all weekend with nobody realising that it had been delivered to the wrong house - you wonder why the people who's house it was didn't question why a digger was sat outside their house all that time. Anyway by the time it had been collected this morning and then brought to ours it was gone 11am and lots of digging had already been done by hand. Alistair has a friend helping him and my role seems to consist of telling them that they are doing a 'grand' job each time I pass them.
Kiki has been keeping them company but Lucca wanted to stay inside in the warmth. I will show the progression of said patio over the coming days.
And so it begins
Tea and Biscuits for the workers