The digger has gone and the compacter machine ( can't think of the proper name for it at present) and we are ready for the slabs. Alistair and Peter moved soil to level the lawn a bit as there was quite a dip in it and built up the patio to make it level with a small stone wall to one side, a couple of steps will be added and the paving then will continue to the door of the Byre ( my studio) I have ordered lawn seed and feed to try and get the lawn back, but they did replace the turf that was removed and hopefully it should take and grow again. I will be planting a lavender hedge around the edge of the patio leaving a gap at the front. All in all I think its gone to plan. As they were working on this I have been working in the main garden which is all behind the house and putting down more slug stuff as the hosta's along the back of the house by the brook have been seriously nibbled- it's such a large garden to do by oneself but I like the intimacy that arises from working on a garden, learning every nook and cranny and the sense of achievement at the end of the day when you ache all over but then can sit with a glass of something and admire it all. As I worked my way along the paths and borders yesterday I found the perfect place to build a Fairy house by the side of a bridge, so will dig out my fairy house book ( I have a book on everything it seems, Amazon must love me )
The house wall is on the left and a brook runs on the right of the hosta's, the thing that looks like Darth Vader in the distance is an oil tank.
The stone slabs should arrive next week I think and in the meantime I notice the birds, mainly the black bird enjoying the fresh soil - this garden is full of worms although I wonder how they get through the clay and rock that it is built on. Everything is growing like mad and if I miss a day or two walking around some parts of the garden it is amazing what suddenly has appeared. Just some light weeding today, no strimming or hedge cutting as I can really feel the aches and pains today.
As I was writing this the slabs arrived so looks like Alistair is going to be busy for awhile, I shall of course provide encouragement, coffee, food when needed and the odd remark if it doesn't look quite right.